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A férfi, aki a fiát kereste / The Man Who Was Looking For His Son

1h 16m Kína, emberkereskedelem 2020

Wu egyéves kisfiát az éjszaka közepén rabolták el és vélhetően eladták egy másik családnak. Wu tíz évvel később sem adta fel a keresést. Biciklijén átszeli Kínát, szembeszáll a kínai társadalom közönyével és dacol a hatóságok tétlenségével. A tízévnyi kutatómunka azonban a legelszántabb embert is kikezdi egyszer.

Wu and Nana’s firstborn baby boy, Guo Zhen, whom they cherished, was kidnapped at the age of one and has been missing ever since. While the abduction and sale of toddlers has been an unaddressed social problem for decades, the boy’s father, Wu, does not sit idly by. He believes his son is still alive, and has dedicated his life for the last ten years to finding him. Alone in his misery, he covers a wide area on his motorbike, tirelessly searching for his missing son. But the more he is driven by his hopes of reuniting with his missing child, the more distanced he becomes from reality and the loved ones who need him at home.


Delphine Deloget


Stéphane Correa







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